I am an atheist. Considering most of the people who will ever read this are friends of mine, this is not exactly news. When I was younger and angrier I shouted it from the rooftops and told people of faith that they were morons who deserved whatever Hell they fear most. I've mellowed somewhat with both age and meeting a friend who is religious. He is not a braying sheep believing that all who disagree with him will die in a fire, nor is he paying lip service to his parent s by going to mass and assuming that God will sort his shit out for him. He is a logical, intelligent and ambitious man. He also just happens to be quite devout. One of the many things he taught me was that not all devout religious people are nut jobs who want to slaughter infidels.
By talking to him, I reconsidered my opinion on people of faith and decided that what they believed in was fine so long as they believed in it away from me and didn't try to convert me, we're groovy. As Jesus said: 'Don't be a dick.' But then another friend of mine, an atheist, posted this video on facebook in a sort of 'lol, crazy religious person is crazy' sort of way.' Here is the video.
Now, there are a lot of people going onto youtube and calling this girl horrible names and mocking her faith. As I explained above, I don't do that anymore. I mean sure, I will explain again and again and again to anyone about how evolution happened and the part about God making everything in the universe in seven days is silly, but I would never go out of my way to attack someone because of their faith.
What I will now do is attack this woman for her rudeness, stupidity, arrogance and borderline hate. Be warned: here be curse words.
I am so filled with rage by this video. That someone would be so blind to reality that they would claim that not only did God do this, but that it was a good thing that it happened, causes my blood to boil. This person is exactly the kind of person that made me an angry atheist in my teenage years. This person, claims that she and others 'all over the world came together and prayed that God would open the eyes of atheists all over the world.' She promptly declares her amazement that God acted so quickly as only two days after she started praying, God 'literally grabbed the country(Japan) by the shoulders and said: 'hey, look, I'm here."
I don't think I should have to explain to any of the few people reading this what is wrong with her statements, but its my blog, so, fuck it. Her prayers were that God would open the eyes of Atheists. So murdering 10,000 people is Gods work, huh? I thought that insane thinking died out after the crusades. Well looking at the Middle East, Northern Ireland and 9/11 disproves that. Although at least she only prayed for mass murder instead of doing it. She leaves the big guy upstairs do her dirty work. Another problem I have is that countries don't have shoulders. D'uh.
She soon turns her attention as to how vengeful God will be when his Mass Murder World Tour 2011 reaches America. Apparently there are a lot of Atheists there. She proclaims Japan to be a '...great place to start...' She's right of course, the Tokyo dome seats 50,000 and its a cracking venue to start any world tour. Also the fact that 64% of Japanese people do not believe in God also lends some credence to her insane theory. To anyone out there who read that last sentence and thought that it might be a fair argument on her side, grow up.
Do those people, atheist, Christian, Buddhist or what have you, not deserve life? They deserve to die, because they disagree with you? How about instead of making videos on Youtube taking credit for getting in Gods ear and having Him murder 10,000 people, you try to help the people who survived. Or does that sound like too much work for you? Or a better idea, turn yourself into the International Criminal Court at the Hague and confess to being the mastermind behind the deaths of 10,000 men women and children? Or does that sound like too much reality for someone as deep in denial as you to comprehend?
Or maybe, just maybe, you could stop patting yourself on the back for five seconds and realise that people are dead. They deserve your prayers, not your scorn. Your sympathy, not your arrogance. Your help to get back on their feet not your video thanking God for the deaths of their friends and loved ones.
Now if anyone out there is reading this and thinking, that theres a big joke coming, I should let you know now that there isn't. Just a pissed off atheist wondering what the fuck I did and what the fuck people everywhere like me did, to become the bad guys. I think I figured it out though. It is all Bill Maher's fault.
I used to think Bill Maher was funny and insightful. I now think he's an asshole. An asshole I agree with most of the time, but an asshole anyway and I do not have time for any more assholes in my life. The reason I think he's an asshole is his film Religiulous. In this film, Maher goes around the world speaking to religious people. Naturally the films argument skews n his favour and is little more than an op-ed piece about how stupid religion and the religious are. He does this by speaking with rednecks, lunatics and ideological fascists the world over. He only speaks to the loonies. I didn't care for it because I know that there are people who are not loonies but are also religious. But Maher made a film tarring all religions with the same brush. If a moderate Christian were to see this film and take its message that all people a certain type are the exact same, he/she would have to think that all atheists are assholes because Bill Maher is an asshole. Do you see the fundamental paradox at the centre of this argument?
I'm going to finish this off now because I've gone on for quite some time and most of you will probably just skip down here anyway to see if I have a point, well here it is. If that woman in the video is right and I'm going to die soon because God is working his way through all the atheists, one continent at a time at her command than I really have to think about the God that I grew up believing in, from the day I was born to the age of 12 when I was confirmed, on through 14 when I thought about joining the Priesthood to the age of 16 when I though 'hang on a minute,' is different to the God that she believes in. That makes me wonder, whose God is right?
Jesus says: 'Don't be a dick.'
I say: 'You tell 'em Jesus!'
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